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Team Management

Filipa Lourenço is the Science Manager at the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development - CeiED, at the Lusófona University of Lisbon. Has initiated her studies at the National Conservatory of Music in Lisbon, followed by an academic record in the areas of Education Sciences and Intercultural Relations with a special interest in the fields of decoloniality, subaltern knowledges, epistemologies and artistic studies. Her research and publications have a special focus on these interests from the perspective of critical thinking for the inclusion and broad formation of the human being. Also, has been developing scientific activities in national and European research projects and is currently a researcher at ReLeCo of Socio-Artistic Studies for Decoloniality and Sustainability.

Maria Clara Leal is a research scholarship, performing functions in the area of Project Management at the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development, at the Lusófona University - University Centre of Lisbon. PhD candidate in Literature and Modern Cultures from NOVA University of Lisbon (FCSH). She has a Master degree in Literature and Modern Cultures (2022), by NOVA University of Lisbon (FCSH), and a Master degree in Labour Sciences and Industrial Relations (2020), by ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon. She has a Licence degree in Laws (2017) by IBMEC-Brazilian Institute of Capital Markets (RJ-Brasil). She has professional experience in the field of law in Brazil and has participated in projects at CeiED as a research scholarship. Currently her research focuses on literature as a means of building collective memory through works of social denunciation analyzed from the perspectives of Sociology of Work and Gender Studies. 

Isabela Vieira Bertho is a research scholarship at Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development, at the Lusófona University - University Centre of Lisbon. She has a Licence degree in Social Sciences from the University of São Paulo (USP, 2010) and a Master degree in Sociology from the Université de Genève, Switzerland. (2014). She has specialization in Gender and Sexuality from the Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ, 2016) and more than ten years of professional experience in social projects, having worked and coordinated projects aimed at immigrant population, young people, people living with HIV/AIDS and the elderly. She currently holds a master's degree in Comparative Studies from the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Lisbon, where she proposes to investigate, from a Gender perspective, the relations between Literature and Cinema with Psychoanalysis. 


Pedro Fialho is Communication and Image Manager at the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development, at the Lusófona University - University Centre of Lisbon. He has a Bachelor degree of Arts in Applied Communication: Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations at the Lusófona University - University Centre of Lisbon (2022).