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DITA: Illustrated dictionary of territory and environment

The Illustrated Dictionary of Territory and Environment is an open (wiki) platform with technical and popular terms used in the relationship of communities with the territory and the environment. More than a static document, the Illustrated Dictionary of Territory and Environment aims to create a collection of lexical and graphic heritage, dedicated to research in fostering transdisciplinary approaches to increase our understanding, use and appropriation of the territory.

Conceived as an online and collaborative platform, the Illustrated Dictionary of Territory and Environment incorporates the epistemological understanding that arises from the amalgamation of several areas of knowledge towards the transfer of knowledge and technology the preservation of the memory and collective identity of Portuguese-speaking countries of the CPLP.

As a project, DITA aims to develop, stimulate and facilitate the collection and construction of knowledge, through a network of technicians and academics partners in Portuguese-speaking countries. Focused on communities, the Illustrated Dictionary of Territory and Environment aims to promote citizen science in collaborative and participatory processes, as well as a reflection on the use and appropriation of the territory, where language assumes a fundamental role as a vehicle of information and understanding in the construction of more sustainable societies.

DITA relays on curators and external consultants who will facilitate the verification of the accuracy, rigor and correctness of the entries to be included in the dictionary.


DITA will create an illustrated, open, collaborative and learning platform on the territory and environment considering the nuances within the Portuguese speaking countries communities. It incorporates programmatic contents for scientific research, along with methodologies and instruments for spatial planning, technological innovation, training and teaching. The major aims of the Project are:

  • Development of Collaborative Tools – including the architecture and design of an interactive platform, an analysis of interaction forms considering various users and systems (web, smartphones, etc.).
  • Establish of a panel of discussion and curatorship – including the training and qualification of curators (a priori PhD students from the Portuguese-speaking countries).

DITA aims to create a database (wiki) that can be consulted and enriched by everyone, considering the differences in the Portuguese-speaking countries to facilitate the discovery of relationships between populations and their territory, contributing to strengthening identity and sense of belonging.

Research Team

  • Nagayamma Tavares Aragão
  • Carlos Smaniotto Costa
  • Arlinda Cabral
  • Diogo Mateus
  • Período Date
    01.03.2021 to 28.02.2022
  • Financiamento Funding
    SEED CeiED: 5 000 EUR