Adel Igor Pausini
Adel is an Assistant Professor and Pedagogical Coordinator of the Department of Museology at Universidade Lusófona, where he also serves as the Director of the Master's program in Sociomuseology. He is a member of the Coordinating Committee and an Associate Researcher of the UNESCO Chair “Education, Citizenship, and Cultural Diversity,” as well as a Collaborating Researcher at the Interdisciplinary Research Center for Education and Development (CeiED), where he is a member of the Coordinating Committee of the Citizen Science Doctoral College and the Public Science Forum, integrating the team of ReLeCo Memory, Citizenship, and Sociomuseology.
He holds a Ph.D. in Museology from Universidade Lusófona (2020), and in 2021, he completed a post-doctorate with a scholarship from the Fondation Marguerite et Aimé Maeght in Sociology of Culture at Université Côte d’Azur. He has a Master's in Social Sciences from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2014) and a Master's in Social History from the University of São Paulo (2012). He holds a specialization in Public Management from the Foundation School of Sociology and Politics of São Paulo (2012) and in Art History and Museology from the University of Milan (2009). He is also licensed in Sociology and Politics (2008), History and Heritage (2014), and Educational Sciences (2015).
In the field of research, he has participated in projects related to his research interests and is currently a researcher in the AGRRIN Project – Generative bodies: from aggression to insurgency. Contributions to a decolonial pedagogy (FCT.2022.06269.PTDC, 2023-2025); the HIGHRES Project – Helping Intangible Heritage Resilience through Storytelling (2023-1-LV01-KA220-ADU-000160743, 2023-2025); and the INOMPOR Project – The social role of innovation in Portuguese museums (ID-ILIND: UIDB-04114-2020).
Áreas de interesse académico e científico Areas of academic and scientific interest
- Decolonial Museology
- Museology and Education
- Sociology of Culture
- History of Institutions
- Planning and Management of Public Policies
- Social Development
Publicações Selecionadas Selected Publications
- Pausini, A. I. (2024). Museus Regionais e a Nova Museologia: a Campanha Nacional de Museus Regionais no Nordeste Brasileiro entre a Arte Moderna e a Arte Contemporânea. Cadernos De Sociomuseologia, 67(23), 13-40.
- Llanos Ciafrino, A., & Pausini, A. (2024). Um olhar Sociomuseológico sobre a Dança Contemporânea e a Performance em museus e suas potencialidades na transformação social e institucional. Cadernos De Sociomuseologia, 67(23), 41-67.
- Pausini, A. (2023). A Campanha Nacional de Museus Regionais: Pesquisa e Universidade entre São Paulo e Belo Horizonte. Cadernos de Sociomuseologia, 66 (22), 127-142.
- Silva, M. L., & Pausini, A. I. (2022). Questionamentos Decoloniais: Maurício de Nassau em foco na exposição “Shifting Image”. In A. C. Faria, A. C. . da Silva, L. C. Bittencourt, M. Bertotto, V. Aquino (Coords.), Anais do 5º Sebramus. Seminário Brasileiro de Museologia. Porto Alegre - RS Museologia em movimento: lutas e resistências (pp. 466-488). Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.
- Pausini, A. I. & Silva, M. L. (2022). Informação e Políticas Decoloniais: Museus, Arquivos e Bibliotecas a Serviço da Sociedade [Edição especial II Encontro Internacional de Arquivos, Bibliotecas e Museus (ABM)]. Revista Fontes Documentais, 5, 35-36.