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2 september 2024

CeiED is accepting applications: Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus - 7th Edition

The Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development (CeiED), from Lusófona University is now accepting applications by researchers holding a PhD who wish to have CeiED as their host institution in the competition 

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024

CeiED is available to collaborate with candidates for the open call Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024.

Competition to award a Master Research Scholarship | Act4wbeing Project

The competition is open for the award of one (1) Research Grant for Masters, within the scope of the R&D project Times of change and changing times: study of the relationships between curricular autonomy and the involvement and well-being of teachers (ACT4WBEING), financed within the scope of the Seed Funding ILIND/2023 competition, within the scope of the Work Plan of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Education and Development – CeiED ( Ref. BI_MESTRE_ACT4WBEING), under the following conditions:

Scientific Area : Social and Human Sciences

Admission requirements :

Candidates must have the following mandatory requirements:

  1. Required academic qualifications: Bachelor's and Master's degrees in the area of Social and Human Sciences, attendance at a PhD in the area of Social and Human Sciences or a non-degree course;
  2. Proficient command of the Portuguese language;
  3. Proficiency (written and oral) of the English language;
  4. Capacity to collect and organize data
  5. Experience in data analysis and statistical processing (SPPS, JASP)
  6. Familiarity with collecting and analyzing qualitative data (preferred)

Work plan:

  1. Carrying out research and bibliographic review tasks
  2. Reading and processing of documentary information.
  3. Collection of qualitative and quantitative data in different regions from mainland Portugal
  4. Analysis and processing of quantitative data
  5. Analysis and processing of qualitative data
  6. Support for the preparation of project progress reports.
  7. Participation in the preparation of scientific articles and communications to be submitted to
    scientific journals and national conferences
  8. Support in organizing the project’s scientific activities.


Applicable legislation and regulations: The scholarship is awarded under Law nº 40/2004, of 18 August (Research Fellow Statute), in its current wording given by DL nº 123/2019, Regulation of Scholarships and Research of the Foundation for Science and Technology in force (Regulation nº 950/2019 of December 16) and the Regulation of Research Grants of the Universidade Lusófona.

Location of activity : Activities related to the scholarship will be developed at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Education and Development of Universidade Lusófona – Centro Universitário de Lisboa, under the scientific guidance of Doctor Elsa Estrela (Scientific Coordinator of the project).

Duration of the scholarship(s) : The scholarship will last for 6 months, starting on October 1, 2024. The scholarship contract may be renewed for the same or different periods according to financial availability and scientific needs from the project.

Value of the monthly maintenance subsidy: The amount of the scholarship corresponds to 1259.64 euros according to the table of scholarship values awarded directly by FCT, IP in the country ( 02/Table-of-Values-SMM_atualizacao-2024.pdf ). To this value is added the voluntary social insurance corresponding to the first level, if the candidate chooses to receive it, as well as personal accident insurance.

The scholarship will be paid monthly by bank transfer.

The performance of functions as a scholarship holder is carried out on an exclusive dedication basis, under Article 5 of the Scientific Research Scholarship Holder Statute.

Selection methods :

The selection of candidates will be carried out by a jury made up of Doctor Elsa Estrela, Scientific Coordinator of the project, Paula Paulino and Rosa Serradas Duarte, both project researchers, based on the curriculum evaluation (80%) and motivation letter (20%), eventually complemented by an interview. The curricular assessment will be worth 75% of the final grade and the interview 25%. If the jury chooses not to interview the candidates, the curriculum evaluation and motivation letter will correspond to 100% of the candidates' evaluation.

Method of publishing/notifying results:

The results of the evaluation will be sent via email, published through an ordered list, posted in a visible and public place at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Education and Development and published on the CeiED website.

Candidates can complain within 10 working days from the posting/publication of the final classification list.

Application deadline and form of submission of applications:

The competition is open from 11/07/2024 to 22/08/2024.

Applications must be formalized and accompanied by the sending of the following documents:

  • Curriculum vitae;
  • Copy of academic qualifications certificates;
  • Proof of enrollment in a study cycle
  • Letter of interest
  • Relevant training certificates;

Applications must be sent by email, indicating the competition reference in the subject of the email ( Ref. BI_MESTRE_ACT4WBEING), to the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Doctoral Scholarship Program 2024/2027 - 2nd Stage until September 1, 2024

The Department of Museology of Universidade Lusófona, in conjunction with its UNESCO Chair "Education, Citizenship and Cultural Diversity" and the support of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP),

Call to Stimulate Individual Scientific Employment - 7th Edition

The Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Education and Development (CeiED) is accepting applications from PhD researchers who wish to have CeiED

Call for Papers IX International Congress for the Study of Mediation and Conflict

The University of Minho and the Lusófona University, together with the International Conference for the Study of Mediation and Conflict, are organising the IX International Congress (CUEMYC), to be held in Braga, Portugal, between 16 and 18 October 2024, with the title "Mediation and the Construction of Coexistence and Peace".

The window for submitting topic proposals for sessions within the Congress closes on .

The call is open for three types of session: Panel discussion (CUEMYC members), Symposium and Communications.

All proposals should be sent with an abstract to the Congress website: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..