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CeiED Editions

Previous collections

CeiED publishes two important scientific publications, Revista Lusófona de Educação and Cadernos de Sociomuseologia, both of which are indexed in SCOPUS and other worldwide databases relevant to the envisaged scientific fields. Its editorial line also includes the Coleção Educação, Cultura e Território, whith books being published by Edições Universitárias Lusófonas. CeiED’s previous editions of Coleção Ciências da Educação, Coleção Observatório, and Entretextos, are available for consultation in repository.


Entretextos was an online publication of the Interdisciplinary Research Center for Education and Development (CeiED) at Universidade Lusófona, aimed at disseminating research conducted in the field of education. The published articles covered the results of research projects carried out by researchers from the Research Unit of the Institute of Education Sciences at Universidade Lusófona, as well as by researchers from other national or international research centers with which the center established various partnerships.

In addition to publishing progress reports of national and international research projects, Entretextos also included publications on research conducted within master's and doctoral programs. Similarly, it published preparatory versions of articles, book chapters, and texts presented at congresses, conferences, seminars, scientific meetings, and workshops. Additionally, productions focusing on revealing testimonies of the professional practice of various actors associated with education were also published.

You can explore the publications of Entretextos here.

Coleção Observatório

This collection concerns the first books published under the auspices of CeiED when it was an Observatory, with the designation as the Center for Research and Intervention in Education and Training (CeiEF), now CeiED. It is a valuable collection, with several landmark publications.