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Public Science

Observatory Op-edu

The Observatory for Education and Training Policies (OP.Edu) is a joint creation of the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development (CeiED), of the Lusófona University and the Centre for Social Studies (CES) of the University of Coimbra.

OP.Edu aims to produce, analyse and disseminate information, as well as to carry out studies and fundamental and applied research, which can contribute to a comprehensive knowledge of education and training policies and practices. In order to achieve its purpose, the activities of OP.Edu include, namely:

  1. Conducting fundamental and applied research projects;
  2. The development of studies in partnership with public, private and third sector institutions;
  3. The enhancement of participation in networks for research and dissemination of outcomes in the field of education and training policies;
  4. The strengthening of relations with national and foreign research centres with attributions within the scope of OP.Edu’s activity;
  5. The development of synergies between the participating research centres in order to provide post-graduate training and the development of master’s and doctoral dissertations related to the themes of the Observatory;
  6. The organization of congresses, lectures, seminars, workshops, training sessions and other events with a similar purpose, aiming at the further development of OP.Edu’s areas of activity;
  7. The gathering, processing and delivery of statistical or other information;
  8. The promotion, dissemination and editing of scientific and technical publications.