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Vanda Lopes da Costa

Vanda Lopes da Costa  holds a Master's degree in Development of Cultural Tourism Products and is currently a PhD candidate in Sociomuseology with the project financed by UNESCO Chair “Education, Citizenship and Cultural Diversity”: “The Future of Local Museums: Social Engagement and Museum Spaces within the Middle Tagus Museums Network”. She is a member of the ReLeCo Memory, Citizenship and Sociomuseology.

Advisor: Mário Moutinho

Áreas de interesse académico e científico Areas of academic and scientific interest

  • Museology and Sociomuseology
  • Heritage education
  • Cultural Management


The study focuses on analyzing the current Portuguese museological panorama, and its relationship  with the social development of communities and territories. 

To exercise this investigation - and based on the theories of Sociomuseology- the research looks at  the case of the Médio Tejo Museum Network, seeking to understand the social impacts that these museological processes promove on the communities and territories in which they are established. 

In order to articulate these vectors, the aim is firstly to outline a framework for the Portuguese  museological scene (particularly with regard to the identification and configuration of museum  networks in force); secondly, to identify and characterize the museological spaces/processes of the  case study object, the synergies and dynamics established through networking, as well as to  ascertain the existence (or non-existence) of Sociomuseology and Social Museology guidelines,  correlating these with the social development of the communities and territories in which the  processes are inserted (social commitment). 

As a result of the theoretical reflection developed and the conclusions drawn from the case study,  the main aim is to harmonize the concepts of Sociomuseology with an effective, participatory, co created local museological practice, based on the values of equity, accessibility and social justice,  in tune with the concerns and aspirations of society.