Mário Moutinho
Doctor in Cultural Anthropology (1978) University of Paris VII-Jussieu. He is an architect (1972) graduated from the Higher School of Fine Arts in Paris. Vice-rector for Research ((1996-2007) and Rector of the Lusófona University (2007-2022). President of the Superior Academic Council (2022- current). Coordinator of the Museology Department at Lusófona University - Lisbon University Center. Lecturer and Researcher in the area of Sociomuseology at Universidade Lusófona, Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Education and Development (CeiED) - ReLeCo: Memory, Citizenship and Sociomuseology.
Board member of the UNESCO Chair - Education, Citizenship and Cultural Diversity. Principal advisor at the National Museum of Natural History in Lisbon (1998-2007). He was a signatory of the Declaration of Québec. Founding Member, President and current Vice-President of MINOM - International Movement for a New Museology (MINOM-ICOM). Coordinator of the working group for the creation of the International Committee for Social Museology at ICOM (2021-). Founder and Director (1993 and 2017) of the Journal Cadernos de Sociomuseologia (Scopus).
He created the Master's in Museology, in 1999 and participated in the creation of the Doctorate in Museology, in 2007. He has international and national experience in the area of Museology and museography. with an emphasis on Sociomuseology, Local Museums, Community Museums.
Áreas de interesse académico e científico Areas of academic and scientific interest
- Sociomuseology
- Museology
- Education
- Decolonial Pedagogy
- Decolonial Museology
- Community Museology
- Intersectional museology
Publicações Selecionadas Selected Publications
- Moutinho, M., & Primo, J. (2022). Sociomuseology: A school of thought as an ongoing process. In M. Cândido & G. Pappalardo (Eds.), Babel Tower. Museum People in Dialogue (pp. 19-30). ICOFOM - International Committee for Museology of the International Council of Museums. https://icofom.mini.icom.museum/new-publication-babel-tower-museum-people-in-dialogue/
- Moutinho, M., & Yin, K. (2022). 何为社会博物馆学:历史、定义与特征 [What is Social Museology: History, Definition and Characteristics]. Y. Kai, S. Xiaotong, & L. Lina (Trad.). Museum Management, 4, 57-63. https://oversea.cnki.net/kcms/detail/detail.aspx?dbcode=CJFD&filename=BWGL202204008&dbname=CJFDAUTO
- Primo, J., & Moutinho, M. (2022). Uma história de longa duração: a museologia e a restituição de acervos coloniais. In L. Pasqualucci & D. Oliveira Lemes (Eds.), Museologia, cultura e educação: diálogos interdisciplinares na contemporaneidade (pp. 47-60). EDUC – Editora da PUC-SP. https://www.pucsp.br/educ/livro?id=599
- Primo, J., & Moutinho, M. (Coords.). (2021). Sociomuseologia: para uma leitura crítica do Mundo. Edições Universitária Lusófonas. https://doi.org/10.36572/csm.2021.book_5
- Moutinho, M., & Primo, J. (Coords.). (2020). Introdução à Sociomuseologia. Edições Universitárias Lusófonas. https://doi.org/10.36572/csm.2020.book_1