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Ivone Couto Monforte das Neves

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Ivone is a Professor at the Paula Frassinetti Higher School of Education (ESEPF) and a member of the CIPAF (Paula Frassinetti Research Center) in Porto. She holds a Ph.D. in Education from Lusófona University, a Master's degree in Education Sciences, specializing in Multicultural Education and Parental Involvement, from the University of Minho, and a Bachelor's degree in Education Sciences from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto. She also completed a course in Early Childhood Education at ESEPF. Ivone is also a certified trainer by the Scientific-Pedagogical Council for Continuous Training (CCPFC) and by the Institute of Employment and Vocational Training.

Since 2009, she has been a member of the Evaluation and Quality Office at ESEPF, and she was also a member of the Scientific Council of the Higher School of Education between 2012 and 2016 and a member of the Pedagogical Council of the Higher School of Education between 2002 and 2012 and 2016 and 2022.

Ivone supervises internships and teaches curricular units in the Bachelor's degree in Basic Education, Postgraduate courses, and Master's degrees in the area of Teacher Training. She is responsible for seminars supporting internships on the following themes: reflective portfolios, cooperative learning, and parental involvement. She is also a trainer in Quality Audits courses and various training actions in the field of trainer training.

She has been involved in research, training, and intervention activities in national and international research projects, particularly in the field of teacher training and school-family-community relations. She is the author of scientific publications in the field of education sciences.

Áreas de interesse académico e científico Areas of academic and scientific interest

  • Pedagogical Supervision
  • Initial and continuing training of early childhood educators and teachers
  • School-families- community relationship

Publicações Selecionadas Selected Publications

  • Neves, I. (2022). Um Olhar sobre Paulo Freire [100 anos de Paulo Freire: práticas, aprendizagens e pesquisas]. Saber & Educa, 31(2):
  • Barbosa, C, & Neves, I. (2019) Preocupações e expetativas dos pais de crianças com NEE de um contexto educativo em Portugal. Revista Liberato, 20(34), 119–132.
  • Neves, I., & Trindade, R. (2018). Um modelo de supervisão reflexivo: contribuição para o projeto de socialização profissional de estudantes de um mestrado em educação pré-escolar em Portugal. Revista Liberato, 19(32), 135-240
  • Gomes, P., Neves, I. &, Silva, B. (2018). Qualidade na educação de infância através do envolvimento parental- Projeto EQuaP. In A. Teodoro (Ed.) O outro lado do espelho: percursos de investigação (CeiED 2013- 2017). Edições Universitárias Lusófonas.
  • Ferreira, A. R., & Neves, I. (2017). Cooperar para aprender: contributos para o desenvolvimento de competências sociais em crianças da educação pré-escolar e do 1ºciclo do ensino básico. Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicologia y Educación, 01, 181–184.