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Paulo Silvestre

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Completed his Degree in Psychology at the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologia – ULHT (2007/2010).

Completed a Master’s Degree in Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy at ULHT (2010/2012).

Member of the Order of Psychologists since 2013.

In 2021 participated as a speaker at the 11th ULHT Researchers Meeting.

In 2022 he attends the 2nd year of the 3rd study cycle in Education. Research project: Can’t old donkeys learn languages? Quality of life, Mental Health and Social Support.

Áreas de interesse académico e científico Areas of academic and scientific interest

  • Education
  • Psychology
  • Creativity
  • Aging
  • Lifelong Learning

PhD project

Burro velho não aprende línguas? Qualidade de vida, saúde mental e suporte social dos estudantes sénior

Doctorate Professor João Filipe Matos, Advisor


Lifelong learning (LLL) is one of the priority areas indicated by UNESCO and the European Commission for the 21st century, as an educational vision for adults. It is defined as the ability to learn from birth to death, beyond school education. As a means of social transformation and change, LLL is associated with personal, social and global training, and interconnected with an instrumental aspect that includes general training, development, functionality, workforce qualification, productivity and professional training. In this way, it constitutes a vector for combating social exclusion and poverty. The study will have as its motto the expression “Don’t old donkeys learn languages?”. It is intended to carry out an investigation of a quantitative, transversal nature, using a non-probabilistic sample, using the “snowball” sampling technique. It will be a comparative investigation having as study groups: university students; senior university students and the general population, all at least 55 years old. The variables under study will be quality of life, mental health and social support, measured through scales duly validated for the general population, namely: Quality of Life Scale for the Elderly (EQVI) of Vilar (2015); Anxiety, Depression and Stress Scale (EADS-21) by Pais-Ribeiro, Honrado and Leal (2004); and Social Support Satisfaction Scale (ESSS) Pais-Ribeiro (1999). As a research problem, the following question was defined: How does CMA influence the quality of life, mental health and social support in people aged 55 or over? According to the objectives outlined, it is intended to characterize the three groups under study and compare them, taking into account the quality of life, mental health and social support, looking for a correlation between the variables under study and identifying the barriers and motivations for entry. in Higher Education and Senior Universities.

Keywords: Lifelong Learning; Quality of Life in the Elderly; Mental health; Social Support