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Elisabete Pinto da Costa

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Assistant Professor at the Lusófona University of Porto. PhD in Education from the Lusophone University of Humanities and Technologies.

Director of the Mediation Institute of the ULP (IMULP) (since 2007). Conflict Mediator (since 2001). Coordinator of Post-Graduation in Conflict Mediation in School Context (since 2008). Scientific Coordinator of Mediation Projects in School Context (implemented in several national schools) (since 2008). Lecturer in several Conflict, Family and School Mediation Courses for Teachers (since 2008) and Professional Mediators (since 2003). Coordinator of the IMULP Mediation Service (since 2015). Lecturer in European Studies (since 1994), European Citizenship (2007) and Public Policy (since 2017).

Member of the Scientific Committee of the Ibero-American Congress of Qualitative Research (CIAIQ) (since 2016). Associate of the Portuguese Society of Educational Sciences (SPCE) (since 2016). Member of the Scientific Committee of the Word Conference on Qualitative Research (WCQR) (since 2017).

Member of the Advisory and Scientific Council of ADR Magazine – Mediation. International Forum of Professional Mediators (since 2018). Member of the Advisory Board of the journal Psychology, Education and Culture (since 2018).

Member of the Iberoluso-American University Network of Study and Practice for the Resolution of Conflicts (since 2008). Member of the Intercultural Mediation Higher Education Network (since 2015). Member of the Board of the World Mediation Forum (since 2015). Delegate from the Northern Zone of Portugal of the International Forum of Professional Mediators – Portuguese Embassy (FIMEP-P) (since 2017). Member of the National Federation of Mediators (since 2018).

Áreas de interesse académico e científico Areas of academic and scientific interest

  • Mediation (Conflict Mediation, School Mediation, Intercultural Mediation and Family Mediation)
  • Citizenship, Conflict and Coexistence
  • Qualitative Research
  • European Integration

Publicações Selecionadas Selected Publications

  • Pinto da Costa, E., & Costa, I. (2022). The teacher as educator for coexistence: contributions of training in mediation. Cadernos de Educação Tecnologia e Sociedade, 15(1), 164-173.
  • Oliveira Pinho, F., de Castro, R. F., & Pinto da Costa., E. (2021). Mediação de Conflitos: Impactos de uma intervenção pedagógica numa escola pública na Amazónia Ocidental do Brasil. New Trends in Qualitative Research, 7, 367–376.
  • Pinto da Costa, E. (2019). A Escola como Entidade Promotora de Melhoria da Convivência, através da Mediação de Conflitos, no contexto das Ciências da Educação. Dialogia, 32, 81-92.
  • Pinto da Costa, E. (2019). Um projeto de mediação de uma escola TEIP (condicionantes, facilitadores e melhorias). Dialogia, 32, 81-32.
  • Saavedra, R., Pinto da Costa, E., & Ribeiro, J. (2018). Conocimiento y contextos Interculturales: enfoques Cualitativos [Dossiê Investigação em Educação e formação docente em contextos internacionais]. Revista Fórum Identidades, 27(27), 201-212.