Francisco Paulo do Nascimento
Francisco Paulo do Nascimento is a postdoctoral researcher in Education with an emphasis on teacher education, at Lusófona University. He holds a PhD in Education from the Catholic University of Brasília (2013), and a Master's in Education from the Catholic University of Brasília (2006). He has served as Ombudsman, Member of the University Council, the Teaching and Research Council, the Research Ethics Committee, and as a professor in undergraduate and graduate courses at UDF.
He is a retired executive from Caixa Econômica Federal. He specializes in Public Policies from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (1998), holds an MBA in Business Management from UDF (2000), specialization in Urban Development from Cândido Mendes University (1995), specialization in Sustainable Local Development from the National School of Urban Services (1998), specialization in Urban and Municipal Management from the School of Financial Administration/World Bank Institute (1999), and a bachelor's degree in Economics from UDF (1981).
He has experience in managing third-sector organizations and volunteering, urban development (planning, affordable housing, and credit), sustainable development, administration with an emphasis on finance and strategic planning, public management focusing on ethics and social responsibility, creativity, and innovation.
Currently, he dedicates himself to research in education, with emphasis on curriculum dynamics, teacher education, ecopedagogy and sustainable development in education, learning assessment, and scientific research methodology. He is a coordinator of graduate courses at UDF and a member of the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science (SBPC) and the National Association of Graduate Studies in Education (ANPED). He serves as an ad-hoc reviewer for the Journal of Management and Society, published by the Center for Postgraduate Studies and Research in Administration, Faculty of Economics, Federal University of Minas Gerais. He is also an ad-hoc consultant and reviewer for the International Journal of Higher Education, at the State University of Campinas – UNICAMP. He has supervised over one hundred and fifty undergraduate and graduate thesis projects.
Áreas de interesse académico e científico Areas of academic and scientific interest
- Teacher Training
- Curricular theory
- Ecopedagogy
- Educational technologies
Publicações Selecionadas Selected Publications
- Nascimento, F. P. do, & Sousa, F. L. L. (2023). Metodologia da Pesquisa Científica: teoria e prática - como elaborar TCC (3ª ed.). E-book. atual. rev. Brasília. Criatus Design e Editora.
- Nascimento, F. P. do. (2020). O Método Paulo Freire na Alfabetização Ecológica. In J. Abreu, & P. Padilha (Coords.), Como Alfabetizar com Paulo Freire (pp. 42-50). Instituto de Educação e Direitos Humanos Paulo Freire.
- Nascimento, F. P. do. (2021). Pedagogia da Resiliência: uma nova educação é possível? In P. Padilha (Coord.), Mestres do Amanhã - Fazedores do Futuro (pp. 303-316). Instituto de Educação e Direitos Humanos Paulo Freire.
- Nascimento, F. P. do, 6 Sousa, F. L. L. (2020). A teia das mudanças climáticas. In P. Santana, & A. Leão (Coords.), O UDF e os objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável (Agenda 2030/ONU): Uma análise multidisciplinar. Núcleo de Publicações Institucionais da Cruzeiro do Sul Educacional (pp. 300-380).
- Nascimento, F. P. do (2020). Com os pés no esgoto e um tablet na mão. In P. Santana, & A. Leão (Coords.), O UDF e os objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável (Agenda 2030/ONU): Uma análise multidisciplinar. NPI - Núcleo de Publicações Institucionais da Cruzeiro do Sul Educacional (pp. 378-504).