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PhD Programs

PhD in Sociomuseology

Museology is defined as a means of social intervention and communication in the service of the development of the communities it serves, not limited to the normative tasks to which it is often relegated, reducing the Museum to the simple condition of a warehouse of objects.

Postgraduate training in Museology at Lusófona University essentially deals with local museological intervention, which, through its practice and projects, has emerged as an innovative museology with a strong connection to the environment in which it operates. It shares increasing responsibilities with local authorities in the planning and coordination of cultural and museological actions, identification and valorization of heritage, and the definition of cultural public policies.

The degree of Doctor in Sociomuseology must demonstrate the achievement of innovative and original contributions in the field of Museology, a high level of expertise, and the ability to conduct independent scientific work.

The Doctoral Program in Sociomuseology at Lusófona University takes into consideration two main issues:

  • The positioning of museums in the context of Portuguese society, as producers of information and services, with their viability depending on openness to modern management techniques.
  • The need to create a body of researchers and educators capable of developing Museology with scientific bases and methods.

The 3rd Cycle in Sociomuseology has the permanent support of professors from various foreign universities, particularly from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), University of São Paulo (USP), and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO).

For more information, please visit the pedagogical page of the Department of Museology

Consult the doctoral theses in Sociomuseology here.

Programme Director

Mário Moutinho (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Nathália Pamio Luiz (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


  • Camila Azevedo de Moraes Wichers

    The PhD in Sociomuseology, undertaken at Lusophone University, was fundamental in my professional development by providing an environment that integrated academic excellence, human warmth, and social critique. By addressing Museology as a field of social reflection and intervention, the course provided a broad theoretical and methodological framework of invaluable importance in the projects I have been involved in since then.

    The dialogue with professors and fellow PhD students culminated in the creation of networks of knowledge and exchange that continue to have a very positive impact on my academic and professional career to this day!

    PhD in Sociomuseology

  • Luzia Gomes

    Museology has always offered me journeys through different times within museum spaces. Pursuing a PhD in Sociomuseology at Lusófona University allowed me to rediscover the enchantment of Museology, which enables us to travel beyond the museum walls, seeking dialogue with others and with ourselves, understanding that heritage, despite its various facets, with its negotiations and conflicts, can be shared equitably.

    PhD in Sociomuseology

  • Maria João Capelo

    Among the various research lines offered by the Department of Museology at Lusófona University, I chose the research area of "Sociomuseology, Heritage, and Cultural Development" as it is the most relevant for the museum work I intend to develop.

    The Museology Studies program has proven to be extremely useful for my professional development, opening up new perspectives on the museum reality and providing me with essential theoretical knowledge for museum practice. Attending this course not only allowed for a better understanding of what a museum should be but also provided an opportunity to reflect on the potential of the museum as an instrument for social, economic, and cultural development.

    PhD in Sociomuseology

  • Maria José Messias

    The PhD program in Sociomuseology at CeiED has been an excellent opportunity to develop new skills and critically reflect on museum practice. I want to highlight the close relationship between the faculty and the doctoral students, the support and encouragement received, the open and inquisitive mindset, and the practical and informal tone of the training based on a solid theoretical foundation.

    One of the main strengths of the course is its intercultural environment, which provides opportunities for interaction with professors and colleagues from different backgrounds and areas of expertise, stimulating the exchange of experiences and dialogue with other research fields. This allowed me to broaden the initial focus of the research project I am developing.

    PhD in Sociomuseology

  • Pedro Pereira Leite

    I arrived at Lusófona University in 2008 seeking solutions to the museum management problems I was facing at that time. I grappled with issues of community participation and economic development of activities in an area experiencing recession, which sought to build its future through a cultural process. I brought years of experience from working in the field, along with various training and discussions.

    In the PhD program, I found a space for meeting and reflecting on current issues in Museology, with a team of professors who had solid experience in teaching, research, and community outreach, which allowed for broadening the debate on relevant issues. The proposed methodologies enabled us to rigorously define research fields and seek innovative solutions. With them, I traveled through various experiences in Europe, Lusophone Africa, and the Americas. We are together!"