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João Sampaio Maia

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Integrated Researcher at CeiED, Associate Professor at Lusófona University, and Co-coordinator of the Master's in Education Sciences at Lusófona University – Porto Campus, where he teaches the course of Scientific Research Methodology in Education.

He holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics from the University of Porto, and a Master's and Ph.D. in Education (Mathematics Teaching Methodology) from the University of Minho.

Previously, he served as an Associate Professor at the School of Education of Porto (1986-2011), Assistant Professor at the University of Macau (1996-2002), and also taught at the University of Saint Joseph (Macau), Paula Frassinetti School of Education, Jean Piaget-Gaia School of Education, and the former Primary Teacher Training College of Porto.

He has been involved as a researcher in the research project "A Success Story? Portugal and PISA (2000-2018)", funded by FCT (PTDC/CED-EDG/30084/2017) from September 2018 to March 2022. He has also participated in the European Primary Teacher Education Curriculum (EPTE) project, under reference number 502066-LLP-1-2009-1-NL-ERASMUS-ECDEM (2009-2011), specializing in mathematics and contributing to the design and development of teacher training curriculum and syllabi implemented in seven European countries since 2011/2012.

Additionally, he serves as a Coordinator Expert for the National Association for the Qualification of Vocational Education and Training (ANQEP) for verifying the alignment process with the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET Framework) in vocational schools. He also acts as an External Expert for the Inspectorate General of Education and Science (IGEC) in the external evaluation of schools and as an Evaluator of ERASMUS+ projects in the sectors of School Education, Vocational Education and Training, and Adult Education.

Áreas de interesse académico e científico Areas of academic and scientific interest

  • Acquisition of elementary mathematical concepts/representation of concepts.
  • Large-scale international assessment programs in education.
  • Quantitative research in Education and other social areas.

Publicações Selecionadas Selected Publications

  • Mascarenhas, D., Rosa, V., & Maia, J. S. (2023). TALIS 2018: Análise comparativa da qualidade da educação em Portugal em relação à média de outros países da OECD, segundo os professores e os diretores de escola. Revista Portuguesa de Educação, 36(2), 1-19.
  • Mascarenhas, D., Maia, J. S., Rosa, & Teodoro, V. (2023). Estudo Correlacional entre os resultados globais dos domínios do PISA 2018 e os indicadores do TALIS 2018. Revista Lusófona de Educação, 56, 179-197.
  • Maia, J. S., Rosa, V., Mascarenhas, D., & Teodoro, V. (2022). Comparative indices of the education quality from the opinions of teachers and principals in TALIS 2018. Cogent Education, 9(1),
  • Teodoro, V. D., Rosa, V., Maia, J. S., & Mascarenhas, D. (2022). Testing PISA Tests: A study about how secondary and college students answer PISA items in mathematics and science. In A. Teodoro (Ed.), Critical Perspectives on PISA as a Means of Global Governance. Risks, Limitations, and Humanistic Alternatives. Routledge.
  • Rosa, V., Maia, J. S., Mascarenhas, D., & Teodoro, A. (2020). PISA, TIMSS e PIRLS em Portugal: Uma análise comparativa. Revista Portuguesa de Educação 33(1), 94-120.