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Angela Valéria de Amorim

Angela Valéria Amorim holds a Master's degree in Educational Sciences and is currently a PhD candidate In Education with the project financed by FCT "School dropout in technical vocational education at the secondary level: Technical course in Occupational Safety at the Federal Institute of Pernambuco" (2023.04574.BD).

Advisor: Carla Galego

Áreas de interesse académico e científico Areas of academic and scientific interest

  • Health and Professional Education


The present study aims to know the motivations of school dropout in Vocational Education of the Technical courses in Occupational Safety of the Federal Institute of Pernambuco, during the period. Historically, in Brazil, school dropout is a subject debated in congresses and pedagogical seminars, and the reasons are still complex. Dropout is defined when the student stops attending the educational institution or leaves school (Riffel & Malacarne, 2010). When researching the topic under discussion, it was observed in the literature review that studies on school dropout in vocational courses are still very scarce. However, studies were found that enabled education and educational policies in technical education, but the greatest coverage was given by studies of school dropout in basic and higher education. The theoretical investigation for the reflections of this research were by authors such as: Berger (2004); Bertao (1998); Bourdieu (1984); Freire (1987); Gadotti (2002); Souza (2011), Masetto; Monteiro (2011), Dore; Lüscher (2011), Riffel and Malacarne (2010) official documents from the IFPE and the Nilo Peçanha Platform, among others, to contextualize the problem of school dropout. The methodological design will be anchored in the quantitative approach. Using the triangulation technique, the collection of quantitative data that will be obtained on the Campus and on the Nilo Peçanha Platform and by means of a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews with the Directorate of Education and the Coordinators and advising teacher of the Occupational Safety Technician courses and the students who dropped out in the five campuses of two distinct regions Metropolitans of Recife and Mesoregions of Agreste – of the State of Pernambuco, Brazil, between 2017 and 2020. At the end of this research it is expected to contribute to society, teaching and learning and that future works with this theme may emerge.