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Coleção Observatório

This collection concerns the first books published under the auspices of CeiED when it was an Observatory, with the designation as the Center for Research and Intervention in Education and Training (CeiEF), now CeiED. It is a valuable collection, with several landmark publications.

Poder e Participação em Educação

António Teodoro
Authors, Editors
Year of edition

Synopsis – [Power and Participation in Education]. The present book brings together a collection of texts selected by the author, written in the context of his active participation in debates on Portuguese educational policy in the first half of the 1990s. Addressing various themes, the texts assembled have a common denominator: the issue of power and participation in education. At a time when there is a lively debate about the processes of change in massified school systems across the board, the book takes a stance closer to that of a practitioner than an academic who observes education policies from the outside. By taking this risk, the author hopes to contribute, albeit modestly, to broadening the debate on education policies in Portugal.

Educar, Promover, Emancipar. Os contributos de Paulo Freire e Rui Grácio para uma pedagogia emancipatória

António Teodoro
Authors, Editors
Fevereiro, 2001
Year of edition

Synopsis – [Educate, Promote, Emancipate: The Contributions of Paulo Freire and Rui Grácio to an Emancipatory Pedagogy]. 

Organized by the Observatory for Education and Educational Contexts Studies Center, the 1st Colloquium on Education Sciences was held in March 2000 at Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, under the motto that gives title to this volume. Although not a proceedings book, it brings together a valuable collection of texts authored by some invited speakers. Despite different concerns, issues, and approaches, the edited book will certainly become an important support tool, reflection, and encouragement for research for all those, students, educators, technicians, researchers, or policymakers who are committed to finding meaning for the current school as an instance of education, emancipation, and human promotion, as advocated by Rui Grácio, or as a public space capable of helping to build a more rounded, less angular, and more humane world, as Paulo Freire would say.

The Past Revisited. Trajectos e Interrogações sobre o Ensino da Língua Inglesa

Ana Bela Mata & Natália Saldanha
February, 2001
Year of edition

Synopsis – [The Past Revisited: Trajectories and Questions about English Language Teaching].

This book brings together two works developed as part of the Postgraduate and Specialized Teacher Training Course conducted in 1998/1999. In the first, Ana Bela Mata analyzes the evolution of English programs between 1947 and 1973, in the context of the social and political changes that occurred during those two and a half decades. In the second, Natália Saldanha conducts a detailed critical analysis of the 1994 program and the 1995 Guidelines. The book is a fundamental work for understanding current debates and controversies about English language teaching in secondary education.

Igualdade e Diferença – Numa escola para todos. Contextos, controvérsia, perspectivas

José B. Duarte
February, 2002
Year of edition

Synopsis – [Equality and Difference – In a School for All: Contexts, Controversies, Perspectives]. The present work arises from the 2nd Colloquium on Education Sciences at Universidade Lusófona, held in Lisbon on March 22nd and 23rd, 2001, under the theme "Equality and Difference in a School for All: Contexts, Controversies, Perspectives," organized by the Observatory for Educational Policies and Educational Contexts Studies Center. It is hoped that this volume will provide an interesting contribution to the issue of student heterogeneity and relational dynamics that enable differentiated and personalized strategies for each student.

Os Professores: Identidades (re)construídas

Andy Hargreaves, Michel Develay, Amélia Lopes, António Teodoro, Maria de Fátima Sanches, Saul Neves de Jesus
Authors, Editors
Áurea Adão & Édio Martins
Fabruary, 2002
Year of edition

Synopsis – [Teachers: (Re)Constructed Identities]. This book gathers texts originally presented at the 4th Colloquium on Education Sciences, held on March 13th and 14th, 2003, in Lisbon, initiated by the UID Observatory of Educational Policies and Educational Contexts at Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias. The first part, "Teachers: (Re)Constructed Identities," consists of interventions by some of the invited experts: Andy Hargreaves, Michel Develay, Amélia Lopes, António Teodoro, Maria de Fátima Chorão Sanches, Saul Neves de Jesus. Their themes focus on the analytical study of the teaching profession and its motivation in an era of globalization and a knowledge society, at the beginning of the 21st century, and on the dissemination of a European study on teachers conducted under the European Unit Eurydice work program.

Educação e Democracia: Paulo Freire, movimentos sociais e reforma educativa

Carlos Alberto Torres, Maria del Pilar O’Cadiz & Pia Lindquist Wong
Authors, Editors
Maio, 2002
Year of edition

Synopsis – [Education and Democracy: Paulo Freire, Social Movements, and Educational Reform].

How to change public education in a large city like São Paulo, where all the old and new problems of building a school for everyone in highly stratified and unequal societies converge? The book now published in Portuguese analyzes Paulo Freire's political action as head of the Municipal Department of Education (1989-1991), focusing on the attempt to build an interdisciplinary curriculum based on Freire's principle of the "generative theme." The analysis by the authors, conducted in a simultaneous register of proximity to the object of study and rigor of the theoretical and methodological apparatus mobilized, allows for a very current approach to issues such as the articulation between interests and knowledge, between pleasure and effort, central in all debates about learning in the school space, progressively open to all social and cultural groups.

Uma Escola com Sentido: O Currículo em Análise e Debate. – Contextos, questões e perspectivas

Óscar C. de Sousa & Maria Manuel Calvet Ricardo
March, 2002
Year of edition

Synopsis – [A School with Meaning: Curriculum in Analysis and Debate - Contexts, Questions, and Perspectives).

This book was the theme chosen by the Observatory for Educational Policies and Educational Contexts Studies Center for its 3rd Colloquium on Education Sciences at Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias in Lisbon, held in April 2002. At a time when education is questioning the paths to be taken in a school that wants to be prepared to meet the challenges of a community with renewed aspirations and projects, we hope that the reflections, guidelines, and warnings provided by these authors in this book represent a valuable contribution to the construction of a truly meaningful school.

Manuais escolares e dinâmica da aprendizagem: Podem os manuais escolares contribuir para a transformação da escola?

José B. Duarte
January, 2010
Year of edition

Synopsis – [Textbooks and Learning Dynamics: Can Textbooks Contribute to School Transformation?].

Recent research has shown disenchantment and some indiscipline towards school, phenomena that some studies associate with social factors but also with the predominance of an expositional and demotivating model. Can the school be something else, organizing tasks that awaken the students' interest? On the other hand, textbooks, which are repositories of practices but also a determining tool of pedagogical action (as several authors underline), can contribute to another teacher's professionalism and to a more stimulating school? And, considering the proposal to develop skills from problematic situations, in classes and in textbooks?

Formar Professores, para que escola? – Teorias e Práticas

Several authors
Authors, Editors
José B. Duarte & Dulce Franco
May, 2005
Year of edition

Synopsis – [Teacher Training: For What School? - Theories and Practices].

Most of the conferences and texts included here emphasize the social dimension of teacher learning, suggesting that initial and continuous training must occur in a personal relationship with educational contexts and in a dynamic theory/practice/theory cycle, rather than just imitating traditional models of teaching or assuming that theory automatically leads to practice. Some of the included texts exemplify the conditions for a new teacher professionalism.