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Research and Learning Communities (ReLeCo)

3. Socio-Artistic Studies for Decoloniality and Sustainability

The ReLeCo “Socio-Artistic Studies for Decoloniality and Sustainability [ART.DS]" explores the ontological and epistemological foundations of decoloniality practices and education for sustainability. It follows decentralized and intersectional perspectives that aim to disrupt reductionist and exclusionary logics, and encourages the diversity of feeling, thinking and doing.

In an inter- and multidisciplinary approach, which integrates art and museology in their social and communitarian dimensions as well as education, global citizenship and sustainability, ReLeCo ART.DS takes a pedagogical orientation that strives towards the broad development of the human being, towards constructing non-violent, ecologically sustainable, just and participatory societies. It aims to contribute to the formulation of new narratives that capture silenced temporalities, spatialities and identities, generating socially committed action and new educational practices. ReLeCo ART.DS has set out five main points that illustrate its research guidelines:

  1. Socio-artistic studies for decolonial knowledge and action
  2. Decolonial Education for Sustainability
  3. Contexts and artistic practices for sustainability
  4. Critical and creative pedagogies for a present-other*
  5. The artistic body as an agent of transformation and emancipation

* The term reflects José Gil's line of thinking, in which the present is not presented as an abstract dimension of time, but rather as what allows the movement to build the future to be consistent. This line of research seeks critical and creative alternatives to the "impoverished" present, and puts them into action as a form of intervention for a different present, a present-other.

Coordenation team

Other Researches

Researchers in Training


Oluwatoyin Sogbesan (Nigeria, Lagos)